You want an effective and proven staff in your company?

Asians can be a great
solution for you

Statistics of many experts from the human resources management sector indicate that the pool of employees willing to work in Poland from our eastern border is slowly depleting. New employees often have too big financial requirements.
That is why we decided to expand our offer to include employees from Asian countries such as Nepal and India. We currently have international agreements with agencies in these countries. The database of available employees is constantly expanding.
Most of our Asian employees understand English and take a short language course before coming to Poland.

Why is it worth to hire an employee from Asia?

Longer working period

Employees come to our countryfor a minimum of one year. They often extend their stay up to 3 years.

Faster development

Faster development of the company. Lower rotation among employees accelerates the company's development

Lower costs

Longer periods of employment reduce the costs of continuous employee training and the number of mandatory medical examinations.


Our employees know english language on a basic level, which should make communication esyer.


With experience the productivity of an employee increases.

High work culture

Asian upbringing and work culture are deeply rooted in the minds of our employees. This makes all work carried out with full commitment and accuracy.

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